Friday, September 07, 2007

Home from Hospital

Cody had a serious bicycle accident yesterday. Face plant into the dirt right over the handle bars while going over a two foot plastic ramp in a neighbor's front yard. He's been over the same ramp countless times but luck wasn't on his side this last time. He was unconscious for several minutes.

He was first transported by ambulance, then life flight to Eggleston Children's Hospital in Atlanta. He was admitted for overnight stay. After X-rays and various testing he was cleared to come home with some pretty hefty facial lacerations and "yard" burn. No broken bones, no paralysis.... He does have "air" under his skin which is NOT supposed to be happening. It has managed to get through one of his various lacerations and poses the potential for infection. His glasses didn't break into his eyes, no brain swelling, So many reasons to be thankful.

I'm posting the photos in my myspace folder. He's going to be out of school next week while on pain meds, anasthetic mouth wash, antibacterial gel and antibiodics. He's been a trooper. Breaks my heart to see him being so brave through all of it. We weren't admitted until 2am as we were waiting on the surgeon to stitch him up. None of us slept much if at all. (Joey & I stayed with him. Joey's sister took our two younger ones) So we'll do some resting up, keep the boy inclined and slow the pace down for a bit so he has a chance to recover. They say it'll be 2-3 weeks for scabbing and healing but that's pretty quick thanks to his youth.

Please keep him in your prayers for a steady and speedy recovery. It would be most appreciated!

Photo Link: Cody

Thank you all for your support!



grammy4him said...

Wow..I'm sure that was very scary! It really makes you realize how life can be changed for any one of us, in just a matter of seconds. I pray he recovers quickly and so glad he is home with you! It could have been so much worse! Unless I didn't do something right...your link doesn't go to Cody's photos there.


Anonymous said...

OMGosh - praying for you all that his recovery goes well! That must have been so scary! Hug him lots - take care all!