Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Seeing Zac Brown

I was scoping my brother's profile on myspace when I saw this band in his top 4 friends. Wondering what a band would be doing in his top 4, I found myself following the link to the Zac Brown Band profile. I instantly fell in love with the first song that played, and the second, and third and fourth. Realizing they were a local band and flipping over their sound, I went ahead and purchased two of their CD's. I submitted a friend request and became one of their many fans! Joey had left town for a week and the house was mine to run. Realizing I had an opportunity to escape for a night without guilt of leaving the kids with him, I diligently went to planning the night out with my best friend. I full heartedly believe in fate and each step of finding and seeing Zac Brown Band was as I see it, destiny in motion.
We were right at the stage, within 6 feet of Zac himself and the bass guitar guy (atleast that's what I think he was playing) was directly in front of us. They rocked the house! We danced from 10pm until 2:23am. I would consider that shutting the place down as it did close at 2:30. I'm definitely a fan of the music but the experience of a live band was incredible! Then there is the added and wonderful bonus of spending the evening with my dearest and bestest friend in the whole great big wide world who I can't thank enough for making it happen! Woohoo!

credit for layout: Kay Miller - Live for the Joy set from KayMillerDesigns

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