Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Perfect Day

It's been a tough couple weeks for me... Not to say they've not been great but I could truly end up being a professional couch potato if I'm not careful. And that's not the plan! Anyway, in the middle of it all... I go to stir the little chicadee... For four years it's pretty much been the same... No matter what lengths you go through, if you are waking her up rather than her doing the rise and shine thing on her own... then it's scary! But, instead I have this little angel... I know this will likely never happen again and I should know better than to hope for it but on top of all this... My boy is good too! My teenager is respectful and dh also being a sweetie... I think we ALL 5 had good days on the same day! Strange and yet wonderful!

Anyway... as for me, you'd think I'd be getting all sorts of things accomplished while not working. My computer is definitely getting a cleaning up and re-organizing but unfortunately I'm the only one that sees or reaps the rewards there. My family and friends just see me at the computer every waking moment and more often than not, I'm on it while they are sleeping too. Actually, they'd probably freak out if they walked through and I wasn't plastered on the couch... Which is a good thing no one was home today. I CLEANED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cleaned, the bathrooms to the degree that you can smell the clean before getting to the door in the hall. The kitchen was clean before dinner. I went through two bags of hand me down clothes for Kaitlyn and did the ritual of her trying all kinds of stuff on. They are sorted, in her drawers and boxes for future use. Never mind the fact that they've been there in the living room floor for a week or better. Anyway, it's been productive to say the least. I think that I'll step away again (from the computer) and stay motivated.... The shock of it all! Til next time!

1 comment:

grammy4him said...

Love the new blog look. My guys are in to tractor pulling. They do not have a tractor...yet... but we go to a great many of them over the summer. The last one is Sunday at the State Fair, so Michael will be hard to live with for a week or two!! =) Thats great that the guys have that hobby to share, and probably will for a long time! =)