Sunday, February 19, 2006

I should be in bed....

It's 1:03am and for the first time in a long while... I've not been plastered in front of my monitor either scrapping or surfing the web... I've been watching tv. It is usually background noise as are more things than I care to admit. But, tonight... I watched THE NOTEBOOK. I'd heard it was a wonderful movie.... I won't spoil it for any of you who have not already seen it. But IT IS AN INCREDIBLE story and my heart feels as though it could explode! I will definitely see this again sometime....

It's been a really good day all together. My plans for this morning were molded in the McDonald's drive thru last night. Kaitlyn was so excited to be having McD's but tortured to realize we weren't going from the drive thru to the playground. This is the 2nd time this month she's done this... So, I promised to take them to McDonald's this morning to play. I brought my laptop and worked on a layout with little success so instead, pulled out my camera and got some random photos, chatted with a nice woman at a nearby table, and just watched them play. It was rainy and cold outside. We had no better place to be. Joey and his buddy even popped in for a bit. We were there for about 2 and half hours when it became apparent that they'd both truly had enough.
We ran a few errands and came home where they went to play on their own for a bit while Joey and I worked on a the bathroom. Lots of icky stuff there... Seems the toilet ring has been leaking for some time now but Kaitlyn's bubble bath soaking the entire floor last weekend made it impossible to ignore. And ya know when your bathroom smells, no one says anything to you directly but the word travels fast outside of your home... So, long story short, the floor is up, new plywood down and no toilet until tomorrow. Not that you care to hear any of this detail... But, the good part, is that I feel we've gotten something worth while accomplished.

Piled on to the loveseat this evening with the two littlest ones to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on tv. Commercials were the perfect time for zerberts, tickling... pointing out NOSE, EYES... just the silly stuff that never seems like much until you're looking back and those little guys went and grew like weeds... Yes, this loveseat has certainly earned it's name. So packaging this day all up with a great love story as the finale makes me really appreciate these things all the more.

Now, I get the added bonus of having a REAL entry to my little blog that I'm still not sure I should even be pouring time into... But, who knows, it may shine the light on some needed journaling soon... So, I'm really going to make an effort to put more of myself into my entries.


Audrey said...

HAHA, I can totally relate. We had the same issue with our toilet ring a few years ago and now we're in the midst of fixing broken frozen pipes right below.....stupid houses!! Glad to hear that you fixed it though, it isn't the best feelin' when everything's done.

Anonymous said...

Funny, we were just talking about THE NOTEBOOK last night, and about how incredibly AWESOME it was - and I tried renting it this afternoon - what a SUPERB movie!! Now that's TRUE LOVE!! Sorry to hear about the toilet - been there my friend!! Have a FANTABULOUS week!!

Anonymous said...

These kids are just tooooooo beautiful. I love those smiles, both of them toothy and toothless. Absolutely adorable.