Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Got some SCOOP! :-)

Weeks have passed since my last post, yet again... It's really kind of sad that the one thing that I'm best at is INconsistency!!!! But, this blogging thing, try as I might just never becomes habit! Why I've not just hung it up and called it done, I can't quite say... But, here's the latest!

I took a big break over the summer, good for my family and home life, but not so good for keeping close ties in the scrappin' community. I was fortunate that my CT designers were taking a break also. I felt like I may have been juggling a little more than I could handle but in all truth, not a day went by that I didn't feel incredibly blessed to be on the teams I was on. Still true for my current teams... But, I really miss the designers that "hung up their mouse" as a dear friend put it.

So, I applied for Shawna Clingerman's design team call. Funny how life just takes you in a direction that you were meant to follow. That's how I felt about the events that led me to apply. I really wasn't familiar with her work though it turns out I'd seen a number of her gorgeous layouts and she's produced all sorts of brushes that many of the layout artists I've followed all along had been using. I've been really bad at reading newsletters lately too but got Dani's and was so drawn to that totally cool Techno Grunge set featured on the back "cover". (tick tock, tick tock) Fast forward through what seemed an eternity of waiting. I'm leisurely browsing my e-mail after a neighborhood four wheeler ride. (which by the way is "four deep" for us, meaning four bodies on board. Joey driving, Trevor and Kaitlyn switching up spots and me leaned out away from the 4 wheeler much like a recliner minus the comfort and hanging on to a back rack) OOPS! Got sidetracked didn't I? (more on that later, if you can stand it)

So, I was leisurely going through my e-mail upon my return when much to my dismay, sat that little gem of an e-mail with Shawna's invite to be on her Creative Team! Totally bustin out with the happy dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!! I desperately wanted to be a part of this team. I've only seen a handful of her fabulous creations but between the awesome sets, her totally rockin' layouts from her blog, and the energy and spunk in her correspondence, I'm even MORE EXCITED to have been accepted on my little scraps design team. That makes me one of "Shawna's Girl's"!!!!!!! So, that's the big news for me!!! I am so honored especially after poking through all the galleries over there, and seeing the talent she has on her existing CT... I'm totally loving the interraction and EVERYONE is so nice and witty!!!! I'm on cloud 9!!!!!!!!!

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Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS to you - how exciting!! Can't wait to see some more of your fabulous masterpieces!!

Anonymous said...

So good to see you posting again, Tonya! and congrats on the ct & design team over there. way to go! you're one of the best out there, so it's no surprise to me!
