Thursday, January 19, 2006

What have I gotten myself into now?

Okay - let me just say that I've been blogging in "virtual silence" as I've not published my blog link until now. And so it begins... I may actually have a visitor or two. It's almost midnight here and I have to be up early again. Ugggh, can I just say that I am the anti-morning person? Strangely though, it somehow makes me feel good to say "good morning"... Go figure? Anyways, I don't have time to dust and clean up the place with good reading and I've been tagged! So, here it goes...

What scrapbooking lines/products/etc. do you DISlike?
Paper products! Hehe... I still love the two luggage carts that I have and though I don't use them, I can't let them go... But, I can walk into the scrapbook store, look and leave... Would never have been possible before digital.
What is the hardest thing you've ever had to scrap?
I am most stumped when trying to do a layout about me. Surprised to be standing alone on this one as I've read it on blogs everywhere and hadn't seen this answer yet.
What technique do you use more than any other?
MASKING! I use it in 80% of each layout and I tend to do layers upon layers of stuff on every single one... It never seems finished until I've done that.
Ever been published?
Yes, though only through the persistent prompting of submitting my layout. I finally decided, "what the heck" and gave it a try. It got selected a week later. I've not submitted since though.
What's the smallest scrap of paper you save?
paper? What's that you say? I saved slivers before, which drove me nuts, but I couldn't help myself... I'm so frugal! One less worry in digital!
Ever have any scrapbooking-related injuries?
nope - headache from working at a computer and playing at a computer, but that's the extent of it for me.
Finish the sentence..."If I wasn't a scrapbooker, I would spend my money…
electronic stuff! which, okay... I already do. most of the lights in my house can be activated from another room. I love surround sound, wiring the entertainment center, wireless headphones... oh geez, the list goes on and on...
Give us your best storage or organizational idea.
portable hard-drive... I couldn't live without it!
You just won a week-long scrapbooking cruise for 4. Who will you take with you?
How boring am I? I'd have to find 4 people to take the tickets... Just not that interested in leaving my family for a week. Who knows what they'd do without me around? Honestly, I'd rather NOT find out.
Your turn!! After you've answered the questions, tag 6 of your scrapbook buddies.
Is there anyone out there in blog land that hasn't already been tagged? If so, I'm begging you to step up and BE TAGGED!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So fun to read, Tonya! Thanks for sharing this about yourself... Now I have yours and Angela's blogs bookmarked... 2 more that I have to visit each week! :)
