Thursday, November 09, 2006

Ode to my Joey

Click here to see a larger imageAnd one that really speaks the truths of my heart!

I love this photo. (a little sad that it couldn't be clearer) But, Joey came and found us on our photo excursion through the woods on Saturday. I asked Trevor if he'd get a picture of mom and dad on the four wheeler. (hehehe) I've secretly wanted a half decent photo of the two of us for as long as I can remember. I've digitally tweaked it to the best of my ability because despite it being a bit blurry... it's exactly what I wanted...

He usually hates the camera so much that when I do get a picture of him, it's never a natural smile... actually it's not really any kind of a smile... it's that hunny bunny in headlights look that makes me feel guilty for even trying... I'm secretly tickled that I could use pink on a page with him too. Ugh, I hope I'm not ruining my chances of EVER getting another photo with him! :-)

Here's the journaling, (if you're interested)
For all the times he steps up and does things that he doesn't have to, like preparing dinners, cleaning the kitchen, getting the kids situated for bed and even going after the water they notoriously ask for once they are in bed... For all the dreams that he brings to life around our house... like the kitchen upgrade, the tile floors, the new mantle and the million other little honey do's... For all the times that he puts our needs above his own, which is not infrequent. For all the times that he truly listens to an opinion that he doesn't share but realizes the value it has for another and all the times he jumps to say he's sorry when he's not the only one in the wrong. He is quick to make things better... He is a rare find, a wonderful father, my best friend... so generous and loving... For this and so many other reasons... I love this man...

I used Carrie Stephens Love Potion set from Scrapbookgraphics or Fishscraps.. I also used her brushes from the Smorgasbord release. (I just stroked the outline of one of them) Posted by Picasa


kinseygirl said...

This is such an awesome layout. I'm fighting tears...Lovely layout.

Julz said...

I LOVE this layout! I hav ethe problem getting photos of DH... this is wonderful of the two of you... yes maybe better if he were smiling but hey beggers can't be choosers... yea? The pink is great because while it may be a layout about h im.. it's more a layout about why YOU love him! Pink is perfect.. love the little strip on "wild" hehe... send me a note when you get a chance.. I lost your email

Julz said...

BTW... you're looking MARVELOUS dahlin'!