Monday, October 02, 2006

Free Fall

I guess I really enjoyClick here for larger image all the seasons but I'm always over joyed when the beginning of the new season is just showing itself. I do love fall colors! They are in my house all year round. Not sure if I realized how much until I started scrapping with this Free Fall set by Shawna Clingerman.

Click here for larger image I realize it's been a long time since I've really gotten the camera out. (very very unusual for me. Expecially considering I've been to a birthday party at Pump it Up, the skating rink, on 4 wheeler rides, at a neighbor's party Labor Day Party, a Home and Garden party (also with neighbors)... Through all of these events, I never once drug my camera along! Opportunities missed but I feel like I "experienced" the events rather than "captured" them and I'm not particularly disappointed over it... Am I losing it? Geez, I hope not! Click here for larger imagePosted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Tanya! These pages are just gorgeous!! I seriously love them!

Way to scrap!

Anonymous said...

oh crap! lol that was me, but i hit enter before i finished writing my nam ;) hehehe!!!

Anonymous said...

Totally LOVE LOVE these pages - AWESOME!! Now, I wanna see one of YOU in the driver's seat of the 4-wheeler!!

Audrey said...

Wow, no kidding!!! You are on a roll girl!

Anonymous said...

Tanya, love the layouts here. Beautiful work as always.