Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Boring stuff...

Does it seem like time is just a blur anymore? Or is it just me... I'm so stuck in the routine of things lately. One day blends to the next and it's all the same! I think that maybe I need a vacation. AND speaking of vacations... This is the year I'm supposed to whole heartedly look forward to the excursion and I've done a bit of backsliding in the weight loss department. About 10 pounds worth in fact. YIKES! Can we say treadmill? I've been on it again. I can't afford to get behind with summer just around the corner. So, I figure if I own up to it publicly (or atleast honestly with the small amount of traffic here on the ole blog) that I might just own it and move forward.

The flip side of the weight thing is that I've gotten past the scrapper's block... I don't feel creatively "unleashed" but I have been pretty happy with the last few layouts. I figured I'd share my most fav. I'm such a sucker for this red pink and aqua color scheme and the mod girls did this collaboration set that totally ROCKS! I just love all the fun elements and honestly... I think I used 90% of the set on this one layout.

So, it's the first official day of spring and it's cold and raining cats and dogs here tonight. Doesn't feel much like spring but I'm excited! Happy first day of spring everyone!

Fonts Used: CK Terzini
Elements/Extras: Modscraps collaboration - cutie patootie set

Ali Folendore, Amy Martin, Dawn Stocstill, Helen O'Daniel, Kristin Cronin-Barrow

Friday, March 03, 2006

The root of the problem

I've had some serious scrapper's block for the last couple weeks. And I hadn't until today been able to put my finger on the cause. Well, in checking e-mail, I would hit the delete key and it's taking WAY TOO long to even "render" the freaking delete key! TALK ABOUT PUTTING YOUR FINGER ON THE PROBLEM! HOW LITERAL COULD YOU POSSIBLY BE? I've tried to be patient... I've tried my very best NOT to use a credit card and just wait for my tax return $$$... It is officially an EMERGENCY! I am going to the computer store this evening and purchasing another GIG of RAM! It's been wearing on me for 2 months now.

So, on the bright side, I am in sunny GA where it's a bit cool but the Bradford Pears have bloomed and those pretty yellow bushes that I don't know the name of... But, so many of them look like the little troll dolls that you spin and the fuzzy hair is on end! hehehe - they make me smile.. Jonquils have sprouted and even these pink trees which I had thought were cherry trees but there's a Cherry blossom festival in late March so they must be something else. Geez, I am even looking forward to pollen! I LOVE spring and it's SO on the way! :-)

No snow to speak of this year which is the downfall. We had light flurries outside a while back and Joey was calling it a blizzard! It had collected less than a dusting at the edge of the sidewalk and he warned me to be careful of the snowdrift and not to slip and fall when getting out of the truck because it was slick out there! I, of course, jumped out and pulled off the ole banana peel looking fall. Which, I must admit cracked us both up. Sooooooooooo, WE had fun in the snow even if it wasn't worth taking a single picture of it...

Well, I just want to wish you all a HAPPY WEEKEND! I'm so looking forward to it! Oh, and I'll leave you with a copy of my recent layout that really makes me happy! Thanks for stopping by and spending a moment or two with me!

ta ta for now! hehe

Fonts Used: CK Flip Serif, CK Jacque, Century Gothic
Elements/Extras: Dawn Stocstill and Ashley Olson - Inspire set from Express Yourself CD at the SBB store

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


I realize it's March already! Where in the heck did February go? I'm working on a new header this evening! CRAZY BUSY lately! :-)