Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Scrapper's Block and new layouts

Well, it turns out I came down with some major scrapper's block last week. I sat down in front of 3 attempted layouts that I'd inevitably deleted... So just maybe I'd spent too much time in front of this monitor... So, while the boys went riding motorcycles all day... Kaitlyn and I got out and about. We went to pick up some photos, ran by Sally's beauty supply. I just love how interested she is in all the different things there. She goes right to sparkly body gels and finger nail polish and she really loved the artificial hair. Okay, so did I but I wasn't brave enough to walk out with anything and since she couldn't look without touching, we cut that visit short. We then went to the park and had the best time. The weather was warm and bright right here at the close of January. We stayed at the park for so long that I didn't have to drag her kicking and screaming back to the truck!
I also had to do a layout that better told the story of how she got this build-a-bear. I promised Heather that I'd give her the credit she deserved in buying this for her. She was a little too young to get a grasp of the full experience but she does love this bear. Fortunately, the whole concept of changing the clothes is lost on her. She strips it down as she does her dollies every chance she gets! It was a fun experience though!

Girls just wanna have fun - Candy Dots set by Helen O'Daniel of Modscraps
Build a Bear - Lovey Dovey set by Helen O'Daniel of Modscraps

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Whew! I needed a little boost to my spirits... Last week was very tough on me... I won't go in to detail... But, it doesn't help that it has RAINED for the last 3 days straight here... That beautiful bright balmy thing up in the sky along with the blue surrounding it sure makes for a bright and HAPPY day! I've been wishing for snow like crazy but a day like today makes me wish for spring... Minus all that yuckie sinus stuff!

I'm giddy!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Setting the record straight...

Now see... this is what I was going for in my photo shoot last night... I wanted something a little sexy without being graphic. A morsel of my passion that would be fitting of a scrapbook. And as you can see, I've done some photo manipulation. I built layers and started playing with blending options. I was thinking album cover'ish. And my message here to dh... is that without him, without US... it's not home... I'm here, I love him and I'm going no where.

He just asked if I had an internet love thing going on because I'm at my computer so much. I told him if he ever so desired to walk up to my keyboard, hit the little icon that looks like a letter, it will log on to my e-mail automatically and prepare to be bored to death. I do have an internet love but it is nothing more than scrapbooking and sharing that passion with those that love it every bit as much as I do. But, it bothers me that he would even question it. I understand because there are others out there that DO that sort of thing. But, it's not me. I just wanted to assure him...

oh, I did a lot of blending on the backgrounds too...

Carrie Stephens and Michelle Coleman - Come Together set

Saturday, January 21, 2006

A re-commitment

I am notorious for running around with a pony tail, sweat pants, fleece sweatshirt and no make-up in the winter time. I'm not even sure what came over me last night. But, I'd bought myself a flat ceramic hair straightener and styled my hair and decided I'd try to do something different with my make-up... THEN, I thought how silly of me to let this go to waste! So, I set up the lights and black background and did my very own photo shoot. I was planning on sharing them with dh, Joey to remind him; I'm not always in sweats and a ponytail.

Sweet Kisses Set by Trish Jones available at SBB store. Fiber and ribbons with ring by me.

But, it hit me that if I'm going to get to my goal size of 5 (preferably) but no more than a 7/8 by summertime, I'd better get my but in gear, like PRONTO! I've gotten way too comfortable with my 10's and 12's since about November. I've maintained my weight but that WON'T CUT IT. So, I did this layout!

I WILL put my heart into it like I had before. I lost 60 pounds from June - November of last year. And I still have 40 to go! YIKES!

I have the photo that Trevor took of me in the driveway. I knew he was taking it but I had every intention of deleting it. Turns out, between that and the possibility of HAVING to go to Daytona Beach over the 4th of July week... which I couldn't bare the thought of... I decided to make a change. I jumped on the treadmill and kept going and going for way over 200 miles in those months.

This will be the year that I actually look forward to vacation! I WILL make my goal!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

What have I gotten myself into now?

Okay - let me just say that I've been blogging in "virtual silence" as I've not published my blog link until now. And so it begins... I may actually have a visitor or two. It's almost midnight here and I have to be up early again. Ugggh, can I just say that I am the anti-morning person? Strangely though, it somehow makes me feel good to say "good morning"... Go figure? Anyways, I don't have time to dust and clean up the place with good reading and I've been tagged! So, here it goes...

What scrapbooking lines/products/etc. do you DISlike?
Paper products! Hehe... I still love the two luggage carts that I have and though I don't use them, I can't let them go... But, I can walk into the scrapbook store, look and leave... Would never have been possible before digital.
What is the hardest thing you've ever had to scrap?
I am most stumped when trying to do a layout about me. Surprised to be standing alone on this one as I've read it on blogs everywhere and hadn't seen this answer yet.
What technique do you use more than any other?
MASKING! I use it in 80% of each layout and I tend to do layers upon layers of stuff on every single one... It never seems finished until I've done that.
Ever been published?
Yes, though only through the persistent prompting of submitting my layout. I finally decided, "what the heck" and gave it a try. It got selected a week later. I've not submitted since though.
What's the smallest scrap of paper you save?
paper? What's that you say? I saved slivers before, which drove me nuts, but I couldn't help myself... I'm so frugal! One less worry in digital!
Ever have any scrapbooking-related injuries?
nope - headache from working at a computer and playing at a computer, but that's the extent of it for me.
Finish the sentence..."If I wasn't a scrapbooker, I would spend my money…
electronic stuff! which, okay... I already do. most of the lights in my house can be activated from another room. I love surround sound, wiring the entertainment center, wireless headphones... oh geez, the list goes on and on...
Give us your best storage or organizational idea.
portable hard-drive... I couldn't live without it!
You just won a week-long scrapbooking cruise for 4. Who will you take with you?
How boring am I? I'd have to find 4 people to take the tickets... Just not that interested in leaving my family for a week. Who knows what they'd do without me around? Honestly, I'd rather NOT find out.
Your turn!! After you've answered the questions, tag 6 of your scrapbook buddies.
Is there anyone out there in blog land that hasn't already been tagged? If so, I'm begging you to step up and BE TAGGED!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

What the heck?

This was from the 4th of July weekend last year. I've been sitting on these photos but I loved them. I honestly don't remember how it all came about... but it was funny!!!!!!!! That's Joey's riding buddy Derek who spent the day over here and hung in the pool with Trevor MOST of the day. I was there - taking photos of it so it wasn't without consent... The color lasted maybe a week... Trevor loved the attention and it was DEFINITELY scrapworthy. (non-toxic of course) We actually laughed 'til it hurt...

Journaling Reads: Yeah... I know at first glance you have to be scratching your head thinkin... Huh? Well, I had bought a pool color for the 4th of July this year. It doesn't stain clothes or hair when put in the pool as directed... But, let's just say that someone has this bright idea to pour the remnants of the bottle directly on a boy with white blonde hair and eyebrows... Then, it stains! For about a week, in fact. But, Trevor loved walking around with pink hair and it's safe to say EVERYONE NOTICED!

Fonts: Susie's Hand, Batik Regular, Scriptina, Renaissance, Arial Narrow
Credits: Maya of Scrapbookgraphics - Good Times set

Couple of layouts I've done

Loved this photo of little missy out in our front yard. My mom had given her this doll when she was tiny. She's grown a bunch since that time but this doll was still nearly as big as she is!

The layout is made is with Maya's passion set, can also be found at Scrapbookgraphics

This is my first layout for Scrapbookgraphics and my AAM page... I loved the look and feel of this paper set. Credits: Maya of Scrapbookgraphics - Free Spirit Back Pack - papers, Forever in Stitches 1, Old World Charm - bow, Alpha Coins, Funkified set - fiber (re-colored), and Old World Ties - vertical ribbon

Okay, I'm having serious withdrawals...

thank goodness the rest of the world IS BLOGGIN! I feel so disconnected and very sad... I've said all along that SBB is my digital home and I'm locked out in the cold and missing all my friends... I really hope that gets worked out soon!

I do have a bit of good news to report though. I just got accepted to the design team of scrapbookgraphics this week! What fun that's been getting to know everyone there. And what talent! I'm so honored to be a part of it!

Otherwise, it's been a tough week for me. Joey is working outisde of his normal schedule. And well, I ADMIT IT! I'm very spoiled! I've always been a night owl for as long as I can remember. I don't require a lot of sleep but it seems the best sleep is in the mornings. I've been having to actually wake up at 6am to get my 3 rugrats to their appropriate daily destinations. DH has just kind of slipped into that morning schedule, getting Trevor and Cody up and ready while I roll out of bed at 7 to get Kaitlyn up and dressed just to ship her off to daycare by way of her daddy. Then, I just power up the trusty laptop and begin working at 8am... I miss those days! Even being tired, I can't seem to get in bed any earlier. It being Saturday night - staying up feels somehow justified but I really should climb into bed.

Enough rambling... off to bed.